President’s Workshop Coordinator Message
The Workshop Coordinator volunteer role will become vacant at the end of May. Without a member actively managing the responsibilities of this role the Guild workshop will be closed. All of us wish to avoid that outcome, so I’m asking again for qualified members to make your interest known by responding to this message or by visiting the Volunteers homepage, and the Workshop Coordinator announcement.
The Workshop Coordinator is ably assisted by one or more Assistant Workshop Coordinators. The current assistant, Norm Williams, will continue in his current role, who along with Ron Lambert (resigning coordinator) and the Board of Directors, will help indoctrinate and support the new coordinator.
This role has significant responsibilities and visibility, in particular managing a trusted relationship with the Bain Center leadership. To ensure interested members have a full understanding of the demands of the role, and to address any questions they may have, Guild leadership has empowered a panel of experienced members who will meet with all interested candidates to discuss the role.
This is a great opportunity for a member to make a big impact on the Guild’s success. I encourage you to consider volunteering. Volunteers are the heartbeat of our Guild.
David Knipfer
HCWG President
Your Board of Directors
Howard County Woodworkers Guild, Inc.