Welcome to the Volunteers Homepage.  On this page you will find an overall view of the volunteer-driven engine that keeps the Guild working.  That is, the leadership, coordinator, and contributor roles that bring Guild benefits each member and our community enjoy.

Are you ready to help?

RolesCurrent Open Roles
This chart is a structural representation of the various roles in the organization.  Use the button just above to volunteer, or get more information about a role that may interest you.  Someone from the Executive Board will contact you shortly to discuss how your interests can support the Guild.

Guild Roles v1.2
Group Role Individual Role Descriptions
Executive Board of Directors President1
Vice President1
Education Committee Chair
Membership Committee Chair
Presentation Committee Chair
Workshop Coordinator

Guild members who are elected or appointed to the Executive Board of Directors, are “Directors”.

As a director, fulfills the primary leadership function of the Guild.  Read more here in the Bylaws, Article 4, Section 1.

1 – An Elected position.  
All others are appointed.

Committee Chairs Election Committee Chair
Recognition Committee Chair
Repurpose Committee Chair
Technology Committee Chair

BoD appointed Guild member who leads a committee.

Committee Members Education Committee Member
Election Committee Member
Membership Committee Member
Presentation Committee Member
Recognition Committee Member
Repurpose Committee Member
Technology Committee Member

A person recognized by the chair as a member of the committee.

Coordinators Beads of Courage Coordinator
Door Prize Coordinator
Fifty:Fifty Coordinator
HoCo Conservancy Coordinator
HoCo Fair Coordinator
HoCo Government Coordinator
HoCo Rec and Parks Coordinator
Home Shop Tour Coordinator
Picnic Coordinator
Robinson Nature Center Coordinator
Toys for Tots Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Woodworking Show Coordinator

BoD appointed person who facilitates for a single activity, such as picnic, picnic subcommittee such as Tool Swap Meet, HoCo Fair, Woodworking Show, etcetera.

Trainers Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Person willing to educate, coach, or mentor another member per program parameters.

Financial Services Backup
HoCo Fair Booth
Home Shop Tour Host
Show Booth Greeter
Show Demonstrator
Workshop Monitor
Workshop Tool Maintenance

An individual who ad hoc provides time, effort, and resource for an activity.

2 – A member or non-member who presents a skill demonstration or seminar to Guild members.