Ref: Howard County Maryland, Belmont Manor Home Page
Belmont Manor is a historically significant place in north american English history. The Guild’s involvement began in the summer of 2015 when HoCo Recreation and Parks engaged us to help preserve the historical and cultural significance of a towering 95 foot English Elm planted in the mid 1700s as a seedling that had succumbed to Dutch Elm disease and was felled on 27 July of that same year. Through the Guild’s participation, handmade artifacts were produced and returned to the county. We continue to remain involved in the evolution of the recovered elm wood.
Please contact a member of the Committee for further information or to participate.
Guild Committee:
Gene Torrey, chairperson;
George Adams, co-chair;
Carl Hudson, co-chair and Belmont Woods Lane resident.
Bob Iseman (now deceased), Jerry Simpson, Tim Jackson, Rick Munzer, David Hickson
Tim Overstreet, Chris Tolson, Catherine Allen
Help Wanted: Structural Engineer Woodworker
We are looking for a Guild member who is also a structural engineer, or close variant to assist Gene, George Adams, and Carl Hudson in the design and fabrication of a cookie support frame capable of handling 2,000 pounds, on swivel locking casters. The cookie should be held at 10 degrees off vertical in a secure child-safe manner. The ideal frame will be made with hardwood. Background: In 2015 Howard County Recreation and Parks decided that a legacy English Elm located at Belmont Historic Manor had succumbed to the Dutch elm disease and was sufficiently unstable as to present a … Read full text…
Belmont Elm – Returning the Kindness
It’s been 18 months since the Belmont Elm was taken down in July 2015. It is now time for those who were provided free wood from the legacy tree to show their appreciation and return an item back to Howard County Recreation and Parks. Recipients should bring their finished project to the February or March meeting, or contact Gene Torrey, Carl Hudson, George Adams, or Matt Radtke to make other arrangements. We want to thank all members who help show our appreciation for Howard County Recreation and Parks harvested wood assets shared with us and a portion of which is returned … Read full text…
Belmont Elm Slab Progress Report 21 May 2016
Today was a good day to be working out and under cover! Maryland’s long rainy streak continues yet again today. The good news is the temperature was very comfortable to work while wearing long sleeves, long pants and dust masks as we surface planned and sanded the three cookie slabs cut from the Belmont Elm last July 2015. Carl Hudson, George Adams, Matt Radtke, and me, Gene Torrey assembled at Belmont in the greenhouse where the slabs are stored.
Read full text...Free Belmont Elm Crotch and Turning Wood Pickup, and Work Session
The Belmont Elm tree crotches and log sections are ready for pickup and must be removed before the end of March. Before driving to Belmont, confirm the County has approved the Saturday session as planned. If at the meeting, listen for special announcements by Gene Torrey. If not at the Saturday Monthly meeting, please contact Gene by using the Guild Contact Us form. Do not drive to Belmont without confirming. Howard County Recreation and Parks arborists discovered live beetle larvae in the bark over the winter. For that reason, all wood must be processed before spring warm weather sets in. … Read full text…
Free Wood: Belmont Manor Locust Slabs and Turned
There were a few slabs and turning blocks left of the Belmont Manor Locust after the meeting Saturday. Interested parties can pick up the wood.
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