Help Wanted: Make BSA Eagle Scout Award Shadow Boxes
Boy Scout Troop 540 in Fulton Maryland has been providing high quality shadow boxes to their Scouts upon achieving the highest Scouting rank, that of Eagle Scout.
The box contains their Eagle certificate, the troop’s and Eagle rank logo patches, and a USA flag that was flown over the nation’s Capitol.
These shadow boxes are 24″x18″x3″, oak chips with a clear stain, has a navy blue velvet backing, and needs to hold a tri-folded 3’x5′ flag.
Our previous supplier has encountered health issues and is no longer able to make the presentation boxes. Troop 540 hopes a member of the Howard County Woodworkers Guild will be able to help.
The troop will cover the cost of materials and reasonable labor.
Members not logged in and non-members please use the form for referral to the ad owner, who will contact you at the number or email you provide in the form.Thank you,
Radhika Wijetunge
Troop 540 Committee Chair
Member Robert Dobrusin answered the call and made four commemorative boxes for the Scout Troop’s Eagle Award earners. Robert contributed both his time and materials.