Timberline Farms Sawmill

Arnold Sewell, owner/operator

13000 Old Frederick Rd,
Sykesville, MD (Google Map Link)
Phone (410) 707-0158

Hours of Operation:
Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 9AM to 4PM.  
Always call before making the drive to the mill.

Custom Sawmill Fee Schedule
Soft maple, poplar, pine, (softer woods):
$1.00 per board foot

White oak, ash, hickory, walnut, hard maple, (similar hardwoods):
$1.25 per board foot

No more than four log quantity.

Small log odd jobs:
$125.00 per hour

Surface Milling (flatten slabs):
$125 per hour for Wood Surface milling

Additional Fees:
$40.00 Blade charge if damaged by hidden metal.
$.40 each for stickers.

HCWG members get a 10% discount with current membership card.

The above fee schedule was provided to the Guild webmaster by Arnold Sewell, owner, and is effective December 2023; to be shared with Guild members.  

Prices are subject to change without notice for any reason.

Check out this post about my Wood Surfacer,

Last Update: 14 December 2023 @ 21:26 ET